What is an Ellagram?

What is an Ellagram?

What is an Ellagram? Ellagrams are gospel stories turned inside out which invite you to take a faith-filled adventure with Ella Ella Francinella’s family and friends! In today’s culture when secular values are being promoted to our children, these stories offer an...
Elliott Loves Sunday Dinner!

Elliott Loves Sunday Dinner!

Elliot Loves Sunday Dinner! A story for all ages, Sunday Dinner teaches us to deal with fears through a whole lot of humor and a little bit of God. With a whimsical and quirky cast of characters and vibrant illustrations the whole family will love this book, so grab...
Birthday Ballet

Birthday Ballet

Birthday Ballet Birthday Ballet is a story that children and adults alike can relate to with the same fun-loving and quirky cast of “Sunday Dinner” characters and some new friendly faces too . We all occasionally fall and when we do we may feel like we are alone , but...