Spreading the good news.

Star of the Sea Ministries spreads the Good News of God’s personal love to today’s families through multi-media channels, such as books, a diary blog, a radio show and speaking engagements.

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Meet the founder, Barbara Campbell.

Barbara Campbell bases her stories on real-life family experiences and her many years of counseling. The practicality of the Gospel frees us up to receive God’s joy though the Holy Spirit even in the chaos of everyday life.

Campbell, MA CSD, has the capacity and qualifications to tackle many issues as she is a family counselor who is also certified as a spiritual director. Barbara combines these two areas in her work as a family therapist, pastoral counselor and a facilitator for women’s groups.

Ella Ella Francinella

Children’s Book Series and eBooks

Through the eyes of Ella Ella Francinella and her family, Barbara Campbell speaks to children and their parents about life lessons important to all of us.  Ella and her family find themselves in certain circumstances where the need for a little guidance, or Spirit, would make all the difference.  Although not overtly religious, Ella Ella Francinella always brings the story to a conclusion involving a true faith-guided action.

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Inspirational Diary Blog

Ellagrams are written for children in an engaging and developmentally appropriate manner and are both timely and relevant to the reader. 

Ella and her family help children learn important lessons and problem solving strategies with a faith-based twist based on Barbara’s many years of psychological counseling.

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Coloring Book

Not just for kids!  Beautiful coloring pages with Gospel messages that speak to the whole family.

Based off the characters from Campbell’s acclaimed Ella Ella Francinella children’s book series.

GodCast: The Good News Network


Look no further than GodCast: The Good News Network! Join Barbara Campbell and her grandaughter Lizzie as they take over the mic to shine some light on your day. With help from other prominent Christian voices, the Gospel is presented in an easy and open way allowing you to receive God’s joy through the Holy Spirit. 

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Mr. Mouse Moments

Holy Spirit Tweets

Mr. Mouse and Ella help children learn important lessons and problem solving strategies with a faith-based twist, based on Barbara’s many years of psychological counseling.

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Additional Services

Speaking Engagements

Barbara speaks at many different venues, has run numerous bible study and women’s groups, and has been featured on various television and media outlets.

Private Counseling

Barbara Campbell has been in private practice for over 40 years and she offers a unique mix of counseling and spiritual direction.
